Jira Story template

What is a Jira Story?

A Jira story (also known as user story) refers to a small, self-contained unit of work that delivers a specific piece of functionality to the end-user. Story issues are tasks that need to be completed to implement a user story.

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Issue Template

Here is a ready-to-use issue template for Jira. Simply copy-paste the following in your Jira Issue creation window. If you encounter styling issue, we advise you to paste it first into a notepad and copy-paste again from there.


User Stories Template
As a [type of user], I want [some goal] so that [some reason].


A detailed description of the story, including any relevant context, requirements, and constraints.

Acceptance Criteria

A list of criteria that must be met for the story to be considered complete.

  • Acceptance Criteria #1
  • Acceptance Criteria #2
  • Acceptance Criteria #3


The priority of the story, ranging from critical to low.


Any dependencies or prerequisites required for the completion of the story.


A list of tasks required to complete the story, along with estimates and assignees.

  • Task #1
  • Task #2
  • Task #3

Related Issues

A list of related issues, such as Epics or other Stories, that the current story depends on or is related to.

  • Related issue #1
  • Related issue #2
  • Related issue #3

Wiki format

**User Story Template**
As a [type of user], I want [some goal] so that [some reason].

A detailed description of the story, including any relevant context, requirements, and constraints.

**Acceptance Criteria**
A list of criteria that must be met for the story to be considered complete.
* Acceptance Criteria #1
* Acceptance Criteria #2
* Acceptance Criteria #3

The priority of the story, ranging from critical to low.

Any dependencies or prerequisites required for the completion of the story.

A list of tasks required to complete the story, along with estimates and assignees.
* Task #1
* Task #2
* Task #3

**Related Issues**
A list of related issues, such as Epics or other Stories, that the current story depends on or is related to.
* Related issue #1
* Related issue #2
* Related issue #3

In software development, a story is a unit of work that represents a single feature or functionality of a software application. Stories are used to break down a larger project into smaller, more manageable units, and are often used in Agile development methodologies.

A user story template is a pre-defined format for documenting and managing stories. It typically includes fields for the story's title, description, acceptance criteria, and other relevant details. By using a story template, you can ensure that all stories are documented in a consistent and organized manner, which makes it easier to manage them over time.

On our side, we offer a variety of Jira templates to choose from, each tailored to best suits a department's needs.

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