User Story template for Jira

A comprehensive guide to creating effective User Stories


Have you felt unsure about how to write a clear, detailed user story in Jira? Do you work solo or lead a team? Writing the right user stories is key to keeping everyone on track. But let’s be honest: It can be tricky to know where to start.

A Jira user story is a simple way to communicate what’s needed without getting bogged down in technical details. It keeps everyone focused on the user’s needs. Templates help you save time, stay organized, and keep everyone aligned.

In this guide, you will learn:

  • What exactly is a Jira user story template?
  • Why are they so helpful for teams?
  • How to create your own Jira user story template
  • Simple, real-world examples to get you started
  • Common mistakes to avoid when creating a user story
  • Best practices for creating an effective user story

By the end, you’ll feel confident using Jira user story templates and have a solid foundation for writing stories that keep your team moving forward.  

According to a Forrester study, organizations using Jira Service Management saw a 10% reduction in service requests and a 15% decrease in resolution time, leading to over $1.4 million in savings over three years.

🗎 User Story template for Jira

Here is a ready-to-use issue template for Jira. Simply copy-paste the following in your Jira Issue creation window. If you encounter styling issue, we advise you to paste it first into a notepad and copy-paste again from there.

Try our Jira extension

We provide an easy-to-use add-on for Jira dedicated to creating issue template in Jira. Turn any ticket to a reusable template and standardize workflows today!

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User Story Title
As a [type of user], I want [some goal] so that [some reason].


A detailed description of the story, including any relevant context, requirements, and constraints.

Acceptance Criteria

A list of criteria that must be met for the story to be considered complete.

  • Acceptance Criteria #1
  • Acceptance Criteria #2
  • Acceptance Criteria #3


The priority of the story, ranging from critical to low.


Any dependencies or prerequisites required for the completion of the story.


A list of tasks required to complete the story, along with estimates and assignees.

  • Task #1
  • Task #2
  • Task #3

Related Issues

A list of related issues, such as Epics or other Stories, that the current story depends on or is related to.

  • Related issue #1
  • Related issue #2
  • Related issue #3

Wiki format

**User Story Title**
As a [type of user], I want [some goal] so that [some reason].

A detailed description of the story, including any relevant context, requirements, and constraints.

**Acceptance Criteria**
A list of criteria that must be met for the story to be considered complete.
* Acceptance Criteria #1
* Acceptance Criteria #2
* Acceptance Criteria #3

The priority of the story, ranging from critical to low.

Any dependencies or prerequisites required for the completion of the story.

A list of tasks required to complete the story, along with estimates and assignees.
* Task #1
* Task #2
* Task #3

**Related Issues**
A list of related issues, such as Epics or other Stories, that the current story depends on or is related to.
* Related issue #1
* Related issue #2
* Related issue #3

🗎 User Story template for Jira

Here is a ready-to-use issue template for Jira. Simply copy-paste the following in your Jira Issue creation window. If you encounter styling issue, we advise you to paste it first into a notepad and copy-paste again from there.

Try our Jira extension

We provide an easy-to-use add-on for Jira dedicated to creating issue template in Jira. Turn any ticket to a reusable template and standardize workflows today!

Install From Atlassian Marketplace
Back to the list of templates

Issue Template

Here is a ready-to-use issue template for Jira. Simply copy-paste the following in your Jira Issue creation window. If you encounter styling issue, we advise you to paste it first into a notepad and copy-paste again from there.


User Story Title
As a [type of user], I want [some goal] so that [some reason].


A detailed description of the story, including any relevant context, requirements, and constraints.

Acceptance Criteria

A list of criteria that must be met for the story to be considered complete.

  • Acceptance Criteria #1
  • Acceptance Criteria #2
  • Acceptance Criteria #3


The priority of the story, ranging from critical to low.


Any dependencies or prerequisites required for the completion of the story.


A list of tasks required to complete the story, along with estimates and assignees.

  • Task #1
  • Task #2
  • Task #3

Related Issues

A list of related issues, such as Epics or other Stories, that the current story depends on or is related to.

  • Related issue #1
  • Related issue #2
  • Related issue #3

Wiki format

**User Story Title**
As a [type of user], I want [some goal] so that [some reason].

A detailed description of the story, including any relevant context, requirements, and constraints.

**Acceptance Criteria**
A list of criteria that must be met for the story to be considered complete.
* Acceptance Criteria #1
* Acceptance Criteria #2
* Acceptance Criteria #3

The priority of the story, ranging from critical to low.

Any dependencies or prerequisites required for the completion of the story.

A list of tasks required to complete the story, along with estimates and assignees.
* Task #1
* Task #2
* Task #3

**Related Issues**
A list of related issues, such as Epics or other Stories, that the current story depends on or is related to.
* Related issue #1
* Related issue #2
* Related issue #3

What is a user story template?

A user story template is a pre-defined format for documenting and managing stories. It typically includes fields for the story's title, description, acceptance criteria, and other relevant details. 

By using a story template, you can ensure that all stories are documented in a consistent and organized manner, which makes it easier to manage them over time. On our side, we offer a variety of Jira templates to choose from, each tailored to best suit a department's needs. 

Creation of a template in our app, Issue Templates for Jira Cloud

Components of a Jira user story template

A well-structured Jira user story template ensures that your team understands the task, the user’s needs, and how to deliver the desired outcome. Here are the components that make up a good user story template:


The title is a brief, descriptive name for the user story. It should summarize the task or feature in just a few words. The goal is to make the title immediately understandable so anyone on the team can get a quick idea of the story without reading further.

User role

This part answers the question: Who is the user? It’s essential to define the user because their role will influence the needs and expectations for the feature. Understanding who the story is for helps ensure the team keeps the right perspective when developing the feature.


This is the heart of the user story. It answers the question: What does the user want to achieve? The goal or action should be stated clearly and focus on the specific task the user needs to perform. This helps the team understand the purpose behind the request.


This explains why the user wants to achieve the goal. It’s important because it gives context to the team, helping them understand the bigger picture of why this task is important. Knowing the “why” often influences how the team approaches the solution.

Acceptance criteria

Acceptance criteria are the conditions that must be met for the story to be considered complete. They are like a checklist for the team, ensuring that they deliver exactly what the user needs. They are specific and measurable, which helps avoid ambiguity.


Not all user stories are created equal. Assigning a priority level helps the team know which stories to work on first based on urgency or business value. Prioritization can range from “High” for essential tasks to “Low” for less critical features.

Story points (optional)

Story points estimate how much effort or time the team will need to complete the story. Instead of assigning a specific number of hours, story points represent relative effort, helping teams plan their workload more effectively.

Who can create a user story in Jira?

You might wonder, “Who can create a user story in Jira?” The answer is just about anyone on the team. While certain roles might be more involved in writing user stories, anyone with valuable insight can contribute. Let’s break it down:

Product owners

They are typically responsible for most user stories. Their job is to understand the user’s needs and turn them into stories that guide the team’s work. Product owners often review and prioritize the stories to ensure they align with their goals.

Project managers

Project managers can also create user stories, especially when closely involved in the daily operations. They ensure the team stays on track and the user stories are clear and actionable.


Developers create user stories when they identify technical improvements or features that benefit the user. While they usually focus on how the story gets done, their input can be useful in determining what’s possible or needed.


Designers understand the user experience and can create stories about new features. Their perspective helps ensure that stories focus on making things easier or more intuitive for the user.

Customer support team

Since they interact directly with users, customer support can offer insights into user pain points. They can create user stories based on real problems that customers are facing, helping the team focus on practical improvements.

Types of user stories in Jira

Are you building a new feature or improving the codebase? User stories can help your team stay focused on specific tasks. Here are the different types of user stories you might work with in Jira:

Feature stories

Feature stories are the most common type of user story. They focus on new functionalities that need to be built to improve the product or meet user needs. These stories are always written from the user’s perspective and outline a specific feature that will bring value to the end user. 

Here are the examples of feature stories:

  • As a user, I want to upload my profile picture so that I can personalize my account.
  • As a customer, I want to add items to my cart so I can review them before checkout.
  • As an admin, I want to export reports to Excel so I can analyze the data offline.

Technical stories

Technical stories differ from feature stories because they deal with the backend or the technical infrastructure supporting the product. These stories might not directly impact the user’s experience but are important for the product’s performance, stability, and scalability.  

Examples include:

  • As a developer, I need to upgrade the server’s OS to improve security.
  • As a dev team, we need to implement logging for all API calls to troubleshoot issues faster.
  • As a database admin, I need to optimize the query performance to reduce page load times.

Refactoring stories

Refactoring stories involves cleaning up and improving existing code without changing how the product works. This might include rewriting inefficient code, reducing duplication, or simplifying overly complex logic. The goal of refactoring is to make the codebase easier to maintain and more efficient.

Spike stories

Spike stories are different from other types because their purpose is research. A spike is created when the team needs more information to decide. This might involve researching a new technology, testing a potential solution, or exploring different approaches to a problem.  

Epic stories

Epics are complex user stories that require significant effort and time to complete. Because of their size, epics are often broken down into smaller user stories or tasks that can be completed over multiple sprints.  


“As a business owner, I want to implement an online booking system to streamline customer reservations.”

This epic will likely involve several smaller stories, such as:

  • Designing the interface
  • Integrating with the backend
  • Testing the system.

Each of these tasks will be handled individually, but together, they complete the larger goal of the epic.

Benefits of creating user stories in Jira

Using Jira to create user stories offers several advantages that help teams stay organized and focused on delivering value. A user story:

  • Keeps the team focused on delivering features that truly matter to the user.
  • Promotes clear communication so everyone can easily understand what’s required.
  • Helps teams prioritize the most critical tasks, ensuring the most important features are delivered on time.
  • Helps teams break down tasks into manageable chunks, track progress, and adapt to changes as needed.

User story in Agile vs User story in Jira

User stories are a key part of Agile development but differ in how they are used and managed when implemented in Jira. Let’s break down the differences between a user story in Agile methodology and a user story in Jira.

Aspect Agile Jira
Definition A simple description of a feature or task written from the user’s perspective in Agile A structured task in Jira that follows Agile principles and helps track work progress
Format Usually written as “As a {user}, I want {goal} so that {reason}” Follows the same format but includes additional fields like priority, story points, etc.
Tools Managed using Agile tools like Scrum or Kanban boards. Managed within Jira’s project management tools including reports and templates.
Purpose Used to guide the development team on what to build. Used to organize and prioritize tasks, track progress, and collaborate within the team.
Tracking Progress is typically tracked using sprints or other Agile metrics like burn-down charts. Tracked in Jira using specific tools like sprint boards, status updates, and reports.
Collaboration Encourages face-to-face collaboration during sprints and planning meetings. Collaboration happens within Jira where team members can comment, assign, and update tasks.

How to create a Jira story template?

There are three primary methods to create reusable story templates in Jira, as described below.

Manually copy/pasting the template

For smaller teams or infrequent issue creation, you can manually copy/paste a template into each new issue. You will find at the top of this page a ready-to-use story template.

Cloning issues in Jira

If you prefer a built-in Jira solution, you can use the Jira cloning feature to create templates. Here’s how:

  1. Open the issue you want to use as a template.
  2. Click the “More” button (three dots) in the top-right corner and select “Clone.”
  3. Adjust the clone settings, such as whether to include sub-tasks and links to the original issue.
  4. Create the cloned issue.

While cloning is convenient, it has limitations:

  • It doesn’t support cloning Epics with child issues.
  • No variable support for dynamic fields.
  • Manual adjustments are needed after cloning.

Cloning an issue in Jira

Using a 3rd-Party App

For more efficient management, using a third-party app like Issue Templates for Jira Cloud simplifies the process. These apps allow you to:

  • Create templates once, reuse them repeatedly: Design a template once and reuse it across projects with just a few clicks.
  • Pre-Fill issues automatically: No need to manually copy and paste text. The app automatically populates fields, reducing the chance of human error.
  • Advanced configuration options: You can use dynamic variables like <<Assignee>>, <<Priority>>, and <<Story Points>> for flexibility in issue creation.
  • Support for Hierarchical Templates: Create complex templates that include parent issues like Epics and their related Stories or Subtasks.
Advanced issue template editor

Common mistakes to avoid with Jira user story templates

When creating and using Jira user story templates, it’s easy to fall into some common pitfalls that can affect the clarity and efficiency of your team’s work. Here are the mistakes to avoid:

Writing vague user stories

One of the most common mistakes is writing user stories that are too vague. A poorly defined story can confuse your team about what needs to be done, leading to delays or incorrect work.

Ensure each user story includes a clear user role, goal, and reason. Focus on what the user wants to achieve, and avoid high-level generalizations. Be as specific as possible without going into technical details.

Forgetting to add acceptance criteria

Without acceptance criteria, the team doesn’t clearly define “done.” This can lead to incomplete work or a mismatch between what was expected and what was delivered.

Always include clear, measurable acceptance criteria that outline the expected outcomes. These criteria should be actionable and specific enough for the team to understand when the user story is finished.

Overloading stories with too much detail

While providing enough context is important, adding excessive details—especially technical details—can overwhelm the team. User stories should remain high-level and focus on what needs to be done rather than how it should be done. Keep user stories focused on the user’s needs. If technical details are necessary, create a task or technical story linked to the user story. This way, the story remains clear while still capturing important technical considerations.

Ignoring feedback  

User stories are not set in stone. A common mistake is failing to update them as the project evolves or as new feedback is received. Outdated stories can confuse sprints or lead to features being built that no longer meet the current requirements. They can also waste time and resources. Regularly review and refine user stories during backlog grooming sessions. 

Best practices for creating effective User Stories

Creating user stories is an essential part of agile project management, ensuring that the development team clearly understands the requirements and goals from the user's perspective. To help you craft user stories that are effective, actionable, and aligned with your project objectives, we've outlined some best practices that you can follow. Whether you're new to user stories or looking to refine your approach, these tips will guide you in creating stories that drive successful outcomes.

Follow the INVEST criteria

A good user story adheres to the INVEST criteria, which ensures it is well-structured and valuable:

  • Independent: Ensure that the story can stand alone without relying on other stories. This makes it easier to prioritize and implement.
  • Negotiable: Keep the story flexible. It should be open to discussion and refinement during the development process.
  • Valuable: Focus on delivering value to the end user or customer. Every story should contribute to a meaningful outcome.
  • Estimable: The story should be clear enough that the team can estimate the effort required to complete it.
  • Small: Break down stories into manageable pieces that can be completed within a sprint. Smaller stories are easier to plan and execute.
  • Testable: Ensure there are clear criteria to verify that the story is complete and meets the user’s needs.

Use the 1-line user story template

When writing a user story, it’s helpful to follow a simple template:

“As a [type of user], I want [an action] so that [a benefit].”

For example: "As a customer, I want to reset my password so that I can access my account if I forget it." This structure keeps the focus on the user’s needs and the value the story will deliver.

Define clear acceptance criteria

Acceptance criteria are the conditions that must be met for the story to be considered complete. These should be:

  • Detailed: Outline exactly what needs to be achieved.
  • Specific: Avoid ambiguity to prevent misunderstandings.
  • Testable: Ensure that criteria can be easily validated once the story is implemented.

Having clear acceptance criteria helps the team understand what’s expected and ensures that the story delivers its intended value.

Keep stories user-centric

Always write user stories from the perspective of the end user. Avoid framing technical tasks as user stories. Instead, focus on the user's experience and how the story will improve it. This approach ensures that the project remains aligned with user needs and business goals.

Break down large stories

If a user story is too large or complex, it’s better to break it down into smaller, more manageable stories. Each smaller story should still provide value on its own and adhere to the INVEST principles. This makes the development process more efficient and helps maintain momentum during sprints.

Prioritize with stakeholders

Collaborate with stakeholders to prioritize user stories based on business value and impact. Prioritization ensures that the most critical features are developed first, aligning with strategic objectives and maximizing the project’s value.

Maintain a clear Definition of Done (DoD)

Ensure that every user story aligns with the team’s agreed-upon Definition of Done (DoD). This might include requirements like code completion, testing, documentation, or other necessary activities. Having a clear DoD helps the team maintain consistent quality and ensures that nothing is left incomplete.

Link stories to larger goals

Associate user stories with larger epics or initiatives. This helps to ensure that every story contributes to broader project goals and provides a clear traceability of how individual stories fit into the overall strategy. Linking stories in this way also aids in project management and reporting.

Utilize Labels and Components

Use Jira’s labeling and component features to organize and categorize stories. This organization helps in filtering and reporting, making it easier to track progress and ensure that related stories are managed together.

Include all necessary details

Make sure each user story includes relevant attachments, links, and detailed descriptions. Providing all the necessary information upfront ensures that the team has everything they need to work on the story without needing to search for additional context.

Involve the team in story creation

User stories should be created in collaboration with the development team. This ensures that the stories are feasible, well-understood, and aligned with the team’s capabilities. When the team is involved in the creation process, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated to deliver high-quality work.

Regularly groom the backlog

Continuously review and refine stories in the backlog to keep them relevant, clear, and prioritized according to the latest project needs. Regular backlog grooming helps to keep the project on track and ensures that the team is always working on the most important tasks.

Encourage communication and collaboration

Use Jira’s commenting and notification features to keep all stakeholders informed and involved. Open communication is crucial for addressing any issues or changes quickly, ensuring that the project remains on track and that everyone is aligned with the goals.

Test and iterate

After a user story is completed, gather feedback from stakeholders or users. Use this feedback to refine future user stories and improve the development process. Continuous improvement is key to delivering high-quality products that meet user needs.

By following these best practices, you can create user stories in Jira that are clear, actionable, and aligned with your project’s objectives. These stories will not only guide your team through the development process but also ensure that the final product delivers real value to your users.

Find the right Jira templates for your team

By now, you’ve learned everything you need to know about creating effective Jira user stories: how to write them, customize them, and avoid common mistakes.

However, writing user stories from scratch can be time-consuming, especially when managing multiple tasks and teams. Incorporating Jira story templates into your project management workflow can greatly improve efficiency, consistency, and accuracy.Whether you’re creating simple user stories or managing complex projects, templates help streamline the process and save time.

For more advanced needs, third-party apps like Issue Templates for Jira Cloud provide additional functionality and flexibility, making it even easier to manage your Jira tasks.

We offer a wide range of ready-to-use Jira templates tailored to meet various industries’ needs, including bug resolution template, IT service management (ITSM), customer service, and HR. With our templates, you can save time, reduce errors, and ensure consistency across all your projects.

With our templates, you can:

  • Quickly create user stories, tasks, and epics without starting from scratch.
  • Standardize processes across your team, ensuring every task is documented clearly.
  • Streamline customer service with templates for customer feedback and onboarding.
  • Simplify IT requests with templates for VPN access, incident reporting, and software requests.
  • Manage HR processes efficiently with templates for employee onboarding, offboarding, and recruitment.

Ready to improve your workflow with our ready-to-use Jira templates? Visit Jira templates to explore our full library and find the perfect templates for your team.

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