Bug template

What is a bug?

An error, flaw, or fault in a software or system that causes it to behave unexpectedly or produce incorrect results. Bugs can occur during any stage of the development process and need to be identified, analyzed, and fixed to ensure the software functions as intended.

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Issue Template

Here is a ready-to-use issue template for Jira. Simply copy-paste the following in your Jira Issue creation window. If you encounter styling issue, we advise you to paste it first into a notepad and copy-paste again from there.



We have identified a bug in [Software Name], which is impacting [customer name].

Steps to Reproduce

  • [Step 1]
  • [Step 2]
  • [Step 3]
  • [Step 4]

Actual Behavior

[Describe the issue in detail, including what is happening and where]

Expected Behavior

[Describe what should be happening instead]

Customer(s) Impacted

[Provide details on which customers are impacted by this issue, and the potential business impact]

Part of the Software Impacted

[Identify which part of the software is impacted by the bug (e.g. Login, Dashboard, etc.)]


[Add any relevant screenshots or log files to help identify the issue]

Please address this issue as soon as possible to minimize the impact on our customers.

Wiki format

We have identified a bug in [Software Name], which is impacting [customer name].

**Steps to Reproduce**
* [Step 1]
* [Step 2]
* [Step 3]
* [Step 4]

**Actual Behavior**
[Describe the issue in detail, including what is happening and where]

**Expected Behavior**
[Describe what should be happening instead]

**Customer(s) Impacted**
[Provide details on which customers are impacted by this issue, and the potential business impact]

**Part of the Software Impacted**
[Identify which part of the software is impacted by the bug (e.g. Login, Dashboard, etc.)]

[Add any relevant screenshots or log files to help identify the issue]

Please address this issue as soon as possible to minimize the impact on our customers.

If you're involved in software development, you know how important it is to keep track of bugs. Even the best software has occasional bugs, and it's important to address them quickly to keep your project moving forward. That's where a bug template comes in handy.

A bug template is a pre-defined format for documenting and tracking bugs. It typically includes fields for the bug's title, description, severity, status, and other relevant details. By using a bug template, you can ensure that all bugs are documented in a consistent and organized manner, which makes it easier to prioritize and address them.

On our side, we offer a variety of Jira templates to choose from, each tailored to best suits a department's needs.

Bug reports in Jira

This article provides a step-by-step guide to using this Jira bug template for tracking and reporting bugs. It explains how to use the template, what types of information it should contain, and different ways to ensure that bugs are efficiently tracked and resolved.

It also provides tips for managing the bug backlog and improving workflows.

By following this guide, software developers and testers can ensure that bugs are tracked accurately and efficiently.

What should I include in a bug report?

A bug report is an essential part of the software development process, as it helps identify and address issues in a timely manner.

When creating a bug report, it's important to include relevant details that provide a clear and concise description of the problem. This includes information such as the issue type, a brief summary of the bug, and the steps to reproduce it. Additionally, it's important to include any relevant attachments or screenshots that can provide visual proof of the bug.

Providing details about the environment in which the bug occurred, such as the operating system, browser, and version number, can also be helpful for the development team to narrow down the issue. Lastly, it's important to include any additional information that may be relevant, such as error messages or logs, to assist in troubleshooting and resolving the bug effectively.

By including these key elements in a bug report, you can ensure that the development team has all the necessary information to investigate and fix the issue efficiently.

How can Jira templates for bugs help in this journey?

Jira bug templates can be a great help in the journey of resolving issues quickly and efficiently. By having predefined bug templates, teams can quickly identify error types and assign tasks to the right person. With Jira, teams have the ability to customize their own bug report template, making it easier to accurately describe the problem and communicate it to other members of the team.

This helps ensure everyone is on the same page when it comes to bug fixing and can lead to a faster resolution. Additionally, Jira provides tools for tracking the progress of bug fixes, allowing teams to monitor development efforts and stay ahead of issues. By leveraging these features, teams can ensure that bugs are tracked accurately and addressed quickly.

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